Month: July 2010

Read the Bible

Romans 12:10

Habakkuk 2:14

Hosea 11:10

Not of This World

Following the Spirit

Give a Little

1 Corinthians 13

Father of lights

Matthew 18:22

Psalm 108:3

Psalm 141:3

Psalm 100:1

Psalm 56:4


Proverbs 12:19

Proverbs 12:7

Act justly

Matthew 18:15

Luke 12:8

John 12:24

John 12:26

Isaiah 46:9-11

Isaiah 30:30

Wait for your God

Hebrews 13:7

Glatians 5:13

Bible and Wind

2 Timothy 3:15

1 Samuel 12:22

1 Peter 4:12

1 Jonh 4:19

Psalm 29:2

Like 15:8-10

Brokenness and Beauty

Matthew 4:1-11