Tag: jesus cristo

John 14:26


Deuteronomy 32:31

Love Won at Calvary

Light in the darkness

The Bible, the Truth

Psalm 145:19


I Love You, Jesus

He Died For Your Sins

Mirror, Sword and Shield

Amazing Grace

Luke 16:13

Psalm 113:2-3

Isaiah 40:30-31

Isaiah 65:24

Matthew 10:22

Matthew 13:3:6

Acts 7:55

Matthew 6:14

PSalm 43:3

Psalm 86:11

Psalm 84:11-12

Psalms 7:17

Psalms 148:13

Jeremiah 16:19

Matthew 7:13-14

Isaiah 58:8

Ecclesiastes 9:4

Matthew 25:36-40

Psalm 18:32-33

Psalm 119:143

Provebrs 25:25

Genesis 1:6

Psalm 159:17-18

Zechariah 8:12